Friday 1 August 2008

When to use a T-shirt

"Architecture can not solve everything"
Photo by: Christian
A t-shirt is a thin piece of cotton that is dressed in a warm climate.
That allows our skin to be more exposed to the air, which will help to evaporate human sweat and cool down our bodies.
You can find many other definitions but non relates a T-shirt to the Winter!

Why do people use a T-shirt in the winter?
Either they are sick (like me) :) or they drive a bicycle instead of a car (like me) :) or they have bought an air conditioned device that allows them to wearing a t-shirt indoor even during cold seasons.

Is that the reason why you bought your heating system?

Nowadays we are used to compare things in order to realize facts quicker. So how is it that you didnt got that yet? We do remember not so long ago, (our parents time), they all use to dress more than a simple t-shirt while staying indoor in a cold season, right?!
So why do people want to live in a tropical climate in the cold season nowadays?

Compare the cost of a good wool shirt with the cost of an air conditioning unit. Are we really intelligent beings?
Our parents didnt had that technology, but more important than that is the "need"! Why do we need that?

This is of course just an example. Our new needs are leading us towards something totally artificial that WE will manage to survive, (of course, as always), even in an ecological way, but please notice that it is not the Human nature.

Artificial environments are and will weakness Man kind.

Not even sustainable architecture can solve that! OK?!

Helder Neves
in "Architecture cannot solve everything!"


Rogério said...

What you say is so real and obvious that I can't understand why people don't think like you ! First reaction when people have cold is to raise the heating of their house and then stay in tee-shirt (I know people like that, my neighbours, lol).
But I guess with the current cost of the petroleum, people are going to change their habits. When people have to pay more, they make an effort change their mind and habits, héhé !
This brand of technical sportswear allows runners to run only with one layer during negative temperatures. People who work outdoor can use it as well. These clothes are expensive but they save our body heat. 80% of our energy supplied is transformed in heat, so why lose it ?!
We obviously can use 2 or 3 layers of clothes indoor to struggle against the cold but human being loves technology, so this kind of clothes can be a good solution to save energy.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the fantastic comment. actually after writing this post I have been speaking with a Fashion designer about that. I will post something about this soon.

EasyRunner said...


Of course in situations where your room mates don’t have that much money and they want to save some money, no one wants to turn on the heat!!! In my ex-House (I love to talk about it has a relationship! My Ex-….) well in my ex house we were so so SO COLD that you breathe and vapor comes out of your mouth!! We tried to put on the heat some time but the house was so old that the heat escapes from the windows’ joints! So solution: or you stay in bed all day and become an antisocial indoor bear, or try to live with 8 layers of clothes, also has an indoor eremite! Vania’s solution? Find a friends warm place!  And I found (has 70% of lugo’ students) “INTERCENTROS!” Intercentros it’s a very HOT place where people go to study… well they try but we end up “LIGANDO”! that’s the Spanish word to… to…. Hum…. You go and find out! Girls come study with huge V necks, with miniskirts and in Hi shoes, when outside is raining and -3 degrees!

Anyway, resuming, the cold helps interpersonal relationships, connections, and smile on to body heat interchange!!!! ;)

Rogério said...

wow, very good explanation Vania !! Are you studying anthropology ? Well, I have to try it, but during cold season my flat shows 27°C (81°F) on the thermometer and we can't control it ! That why I'm not a social human being !