Monday 1 September 2008

How to catch a Cold?

"Architecture can not solve everything"
 photo by: Ivyisarobot

"...oh wait, I need to get a jacket otherwise I will get sick!"
Which drugstore sell those jackets?

Why do I never use a jacket and I never get sick then? Maybe you should say:
"...oh wait, I need to get a jacket otherwise I will feel cold!"
Do you think that your mom taught you right?

If you're outside and got a dripping nose... "Go and put some proper clothes you freak!"
Actually it seems that you and your dog got this condition in common, but why doesn't he get sick and you do?
Because he had no mom?!? :) Well, try to dress your dog wrongly and he might get sick as you do!

You think that the reason for your sickness is the lack of clothes, so in the next time you will dress more clothes, right?! Well, by doing that you achieve more heat as well as more humidity in you body. It can not breath through all those clothes. (we normal sweat under lots of clothes even in the winter, isnt it?!) Bacterias like it warm and humid, right? And you have just created the perfect environment for them. Well done! Now you can get from a simple Cold to anything else, its just a matter of luck!

I think that the problem starts normally before all of that, while still at home. Too warm indoors will increase your need of clothes once you go out. That is due to the temperature differences. Instead, if you lower the indoor temperature and put on more clothes, the temperature difference is much lower and/or easier to handle, when you walk your dog out! :) Therefore you dont need as much clothes as before which lets your body breath and dry efficiently. But... like this you dont get a Cold! :)

I believe that people get often sick in the winter, NOT because of the cold BUT because they spend more time together at home sharing warm and exhausted air, allowing bacterias to spread quickly.

Please, bear in mind that your nose will continue dripping once you alter big temperature differences and I dont believe that someone can get sick through that, either through a fresh breeze... or what ever myth you have inherited!

... you are welcome! :P

Helder Neves
in "Architecture cannot solve everything!"


EasyRunner said...

!!!!!!!CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!! lovely, lovely LOVELY!!!

of course you know that all people thinks that you a freak don't you?

LOL, very good explication about bacterias and the need of drying our sweet! oh oh! you have to talk also about the "idea" of: "DON'T GO BEAR FOOT IN THE HOUSE OR YOU'LL GET SICK!!"

yo creo que es culpa del incremento de temperatura! en noruega mi cabeza iba a explotar!!!!! mi dolia tanto tanto cuando entraba en tu residencia!! y mas todavia cuando iba al hotel de Papas!!

hum.... tenho que pesquisar a ver o que acontece no cérebro para que te doa a cabeça.... o mais provávelé que depois de horas na rua ao frio as meninges estão mais comprimidas, e quando entras num sitio quente elas têm que dilatar para permitir um maior fluxo sanguinio e isso como é feito muito rapido causa dor!!! só não percebo é porque só me acontecia a mim e ao resto da população norueguesa não!!! lol já lhes está nos genes!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh please! Why dont you try and explain that to humanity! It would be an exelent complement to my blog and I would start refering you blog as well.

By the way, can a dog get a Cold?
I hope so, because I write based on personal experience of the world... LOL

Unknown said...

são tudo "memes":

"só podes tomar banho 3 horas depois de comer!"

"não matarás!" "ámen"

"Always Coca-Cola!"

"santinho!" (depois d1 espirro)

alguns servem para alguma coisa, outros não.

proponho que que, a partir de agora, se diga "bolachas", "cookies" ou etc, em vez de "santinho" quando alguem espirra.
Começou aqui no trabalho e já todos dizem!!