Saturday 20 September 2008

...a perfect body

Human Body has no heating system - It heats through Life / Work.
If you move your fingers, you are creating heat...
...thats the concept!

 Photo: Stridsberg and RJ
I have been recently amazed with the fact that human body has no system in charge of heating it up. Life does not see heat in common way that we are probably used to. In Life, heat is created through transformation processes. In fact the body often use the blood to cool down its core temperature!
That is because your kidneys are working, our liver is working, heart, brain, etc, and all are those processes produce heat a a result of its primary function! So Work produces heat as any other thing in Life.
Notice that the outlet blood temperature from an organ is always higher that the inlet one. Obviously!

That is probably one of the biggest answers to the facts that I've been beating on; the fact that it is not possible to change your body core temperature. People should bear this in mind! We just need to care about not loosing too much heat instead of worrying about heating it up. In another words, One can not manage to raise his core temperature by heating it up with an external source of energy. That is because your body is designed to keep a constant temperature, therefore it will always protect itself from temperature changes. If somehow you manage to do it, than you will get sick. If you're healthy, it doesn't matter if you are in a sauna or swimming in a cold lake, your body temperature will always be about 36,5°C (+-1,5°C as max limits).

To control those slightly fluctuations in the core's temperature, (that happened due to different body activity), your body raises the blood near to the skin surface in order to get rid of the heat, (the red skin effect of when people are too warm). Or it keeps the blood as far away as possible from the skin surface in order to keep the core temperature steady. (the white skin effect of when people are cold)

The overheat produced buy your organs is normally enough to match heat losses on a 20 to 23
°C environment. As much as you raise up your environment temperature, you are making it more and more difficult for the body to efficiently cool down. In the limit, when the air temperature reaches your body core temperature, your body will activate a secondary cooling system by sweating.

In the other way around, if you cool down the air temperature below 20°C, your body is having a heat loss that is higher than it needs and so it will start the first protection system by raising the hair in the skin. (goose bumps) That allows to trap a layer of air that works as an insulation.
And now, to finish as lovely as we started; the best of Life:
If air temperature is greater below 20°C your body is finally designed to generate heat by shivering. Shivering is actually your muscles contracting in repeated cycles. Generating heat through

You should re-question your levels of comfort according to some of those facts, otherwise you will constantly and ignorantly get sick.
"Architecture cannot solve everything!"

If our body is so well-done and logical-designed, why dont we use the same approach in architecture? Understanding nature and learning from it! Just like in physics, we use the physics laws because they are "obviously" easy-logical-efficient-natural...

Helder Neves
in "Architecture cannot solve everything!"

1 comment:

Rogério said...

Very good post ! I loved it, well explained !