Tuesday 30 September 2008

What is wrong?

What is wrong in this picture?
Since when Man need an air condition device?
Why are our needs raising?
It is a fact that core temperature in human body's drops during the sleep.
That is due to the low body activity (see work=heat). But there is a certain stage during the sleep where temperature drops significantly!
- That is why unconsciously you dress and cover yourself before falling asleep.
- That is why you do not feel cold during that "low temperature" stage.

A bed is a dynamic device that extends your level of comfort. Some knows how to use it, others not! Though, I cannot see how an air condition extends your comfort while sleeping.
In a perfect night sleep, you should not strange temperature differences so that your sleep is not disturbed. Notice that naturally, you "overdress" before sleeping: clothes, bed sheets, blankets... When your body reaches the stage where it needs a low temperature, it simply uncovers itself during the night and covers it again after that stage and you won’t even notice that! During the low temperature stage, known as the "deep sleep" phase, you are temporarily paralyzed – that means no body activity, which results in a significant temperature drop. Most activity remains then in the brain and it’s during this phase that most dreams occurs. Nature’s answer for the muscles inhibition might be to prevent our body from acting while dreaming! - Isn't this beautiful?! Apart from its beauty, this is a very important rest stage for humans. If for some reason you wake up in the middle of this stage, you normally feel extreme disorientation and hard consciousness of time&space. For sure you have noticed that at least once in your life.

If you think that you have found a new solution to regulate precisely this complex and basic need, then you are challenging Nature!

So, if your body temperature needs to drop during the night you should deal with it instead of avoid it. The first common reaction to this is to provide a warmer environment although that will collide with the cooling need. This is of course a wrong approach to the issue and might be the answer to this post. You have to ask the right question - why does it cools down? For sure you don't want to interfere in your physiological needs by avoiding them!
If you heat/cool your room beyond those basic needs, your body won’t be able to find a temperature that matches its needs even by uncovering itself. If the body cannot get the cooling needs, it will start to sweat. By doing that it will definitely cool down, but since our system is “down”, the temperature change occurs rapidly and it will disturb your sleep. The sweating stage will take you into a cold stage, (wet skin get cold faster), and you will need to cover yourself again, but remember, your body needs a low temperature at this stage and you are offering the opposite!!! I cannot see a way to achieve this using any extra device such as air conditioners but your brain.

Life has already solved this complex system for you and it is based on millions of years of Human evolution. Do not interfere with it, unless you find a way to improve it!

Helder Neves
in "Architecture cannot solve everything!"

1 comment:

Rogério said...

clap clap clap !! Bravissimo ! Very good !